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RedHot Dateline

All users must be 18 years or older

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for Women

RedHot Dateline is the perfect choice to chat with men with no judgements. You can chat safely and securely. And of course, women never pay on RedHot Dateline. Explore all sides of yourself and chat with like-minded men.

Why use RedHot Dateline?

Women never pay a dime - RedHot Dateline is always free for women.

Feel the instant connection of voice.

Connect instantly with the man of your choice.

NO paid operators! All real men in your own or a different city. All anonymous, all fun.

You set the pace. You choose. Easy blocking, so you never have to put up with someone who isn't working for you.

Every chat is private and uncensored. No online profiles to fill out - never worry about security.

How to use RedHot Dateline


Dial your local RedHot Dateline phone number.


Record your unique greeting message.


Listen to men's greetings and respond to messages you like.


Start chatting!

Top 3 need to knows

  • Who are the men on RedHot Dateline?

    Men who chat on RedHot Dateline are outgoing, fun, confident guys who are looking to connect with a great person, just like you.

  • What does it cost?

    Women never pay to chat. RedHot Dateline is always free for women. Start chatting immediately, no credit card or personal information required. Or sign up for a FREE Membership to give you the complete experience with additional juicy options.

  • Do women need a membership?

    A membership is not technically required, but we highly recommend it for a better experience! Even if you can chat anytime without a membership. Women who take advantage of our free membership get: priority customer service, the ability to store save messages, hotlisting for all your favorite callers, and the guys you block will stay blocked forever instead of just for the session.

Female Membership

You can use our phone chat service for free without membership but we encourage Free Membership to get the extra perks for the best phone chat experience possible. And we won’t ask a bunch of personal questions to sign you up.

Save all of your top picks onto your Hotlist, get messages while you are offline, save your greetings so you don't have to rerecord each time you log on, and first-priority listing for your greeting. These are just some of the perks of a Free Membership for women. All the benefit, at no extra cost!

Easy steps to get a female membership:


Call RedHot Dateline.


Press '2' to say you are a female, and then '1' to get your Free Membership.


You will hear some of the great benefits to having a membership then confirm you are 18+.


That's it - the system will issue you a new Free Female Membership to use anytime, anywhere.

RedHot Dateline FAQs for women

  • Do I need a membership?

    You can use RedHot Dateline without a membership but you miss out on some exclusive, membership-only features like offline messaging, hotlisting, re-usable greetings and more. RedHot Dateline is always free for women, whether you use a membership or not.

  • What do I do if I forget or lose my membership number or passcode?

    Your membership number gives you access to RedHot Dateline and your pass code is like your bank PIN number so it is important to keep these numbers private and not to share them with anyone. To protect yourself and your mailbox from fraudulent use, call our friendly, 24-hour Customer Service at if you lose your numbers. For your security, you might be asked to verify your personal information.

  • Can I use a membership from any phone?

    Yes, a membership may be used from any phone.

  • What is offline messaging?

    With Offline Messaging, not only can you hear greetings from callers currently on the line, you can also hear greetings from callers who were recently on the line, and they can hear your greeting when you’re not on the line. You can also send messages to offline callers and receive messages from callers when you’re offline. Near misses are a thing of the past! You can also save messages you receive so you can listen to them again later on.

  • What should I do if someone asks for my membership number online?

    DO NOT GIVE IT TO THEM. No one from RedHot Dateline will ever contact you while you are on the system. If you get a message from someone claiming to be from RedHot Dateline make sure you block and flag them by pressing 7, then 7 again, after hearing their message or greeting.

  • What is RedHot Dateline?

    RedHot Dateline is the hottest chat service in the country and has been so for the past 25 years. We know what you’re looking for and our goal is to provide you with a comfortable, and most of all safe, place to chat with local singles.

  • What kinds of people call RedHot Dateline?

    People like you! We do not hire people to use our system, everyone you hear is a regular person looking for the same things you are.

  • Is RedHot Dateline private and confidential?

    Yes, the other people on the system have no way of getting any information about you unless you give it to them. They won’t know your phone number, address or real name.

  • Are the people on RedHot Dateline paid to talk to me?

    No, everyone you hear on our system is a regular person, just like you.

  • How old do I have to be to call RedHot Dateline?

    All callers must be 18 years old or more to use RedHot Dateline.

  • How can I start chatting with new people through RedHot Dateline?

    1. Record your greeting in the Live Connector.
    2. Browse the greetings while the other people on the system hear yours.
    3. When you hear someone interesting send them a message to strike up a conversation.
    4. After messaging you can send them a request to connect one on one. There you can have a private chat about whatever you want!
  • How do I get started chatting on RedHot Dateline?

    RedHot Dateline is always fun and exciting. And with different callers all the time, it’s a great new experience every time you call. Here’s what to expect:

    1. Start by . Then call it to join the fun!
    2. Then, you’ll record a greeting that will introduce you to the other callers. You can re-record your greeting as many times as you like. Once you save it, it plays to the other callers to let them know you’re on the line.
    3. Next, listen to greetings from other callers. Hear someone you like? Send them a message! If someone’s into you, they’ll message you too. You can respond to anyone (or everyone!) you want—it’s always up to you.
    4. Find someone really special? If messages are flying like sparks, invite them to join you for a live chat session! Your private chats are just that—private! Don’t worry, people can still send you messages while you’re in a private chat. You’ll hear them once you’ve finished a live chat.
  • What is not acceptable in a greeting?

    We want everyone to have an enjoyable, satisfying experience using our system. We will not tolerate:

    • Any discrimination based on age, gender or race.
    • Any references to illegal activity.
    • Threats of violence or harm.
  • What do I do if I receive a message from a caller that I'm not interested in?

    Hear from someone who’s not your type? Just skip the message! If they’re really bugging you, you can even block them by pressing “7” on their greeting. Callers that you block can’t hear your greeting, and you won’t have to hear theirs either. If you believe their behavior crosses over to inappropriate, you can also flag them for us to review by pressing “7” again after blocking them.

  • What should I say in my greeting?

    Your greeting introduces you to other callers, so don’t be shy! This is your chance to share what’s special about you. Relax and take your time, because the best greetings get the most responses! Here are some tips for recording a greeting to get you noticed:

    • Keep your tone positive! Do you sound approachable? Sexy? Strong? Remember, people are attracted to confidence so speak clearly and remember to smile.
    • Show off the real you by sharing your best features and interests. Think about what will make you stand out to other callers, and let them know!
    • It’s okay to call RedHot Dateline with your friends but remember, if there’s more than one of you on the line, you each need to say your name in the greeting.
    • Listen to your greeting when you’re done to make sure it’s the way you want it, and that it can be heard clearly. If you change your mind or what you’re looking for, you can record a new one, any time you want.
  • What do I do if I receive a message that I find really interesting?

    When you receive a message from someone who interests you — and we know you will — you can instantly exchange private messages with them, just like sending a voicemail that they’ll hear right away. When you’re ready, send a connection request to connect with them live in a private conversation.

    RedHot Dateline members can add their favorite people to their hotlist if they want to be notified next time that person is online.

© Teligence Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

All models and members of RedHot Dateline are 18 years or older.